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Conscious Parenting Coach

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Hi! I’m so glad you’re here. I have worked with individuals, couples, families, and groups for over 20 years.


My own parenting journey has had a dramatic influence on my coaching philosophy and practice. Through this journey, I have learned that when we parent from a centered place, we can interact with our children in ways that simultaneously support our personal growth AND the growth of our children. When we parent from our core, we feel confident and joyful and can watch our children grow into their true selves.


As a mother to three children ranging from teen to young adult (one of whom was born with cerebral palsy and has significant special needs), I have stumbled, coasted and occasionally soared my way through the process. Along the way, I have discovered the unique gifts (and challenges) of parenting each child. This has required me to discover new levels of inner strength and discern how to allow the space needed for each child to both experience the safety of unconditional support and develop a sense of resiliency. As my children grow, I too evolve. If I have learned anything through my parenting journey, it is that my children have been my greatest teachers. 


I received a Conscious Parenting Coach certification with clinical psychologist Dr. Shefali Tsabary and as a Parent Coach with the Parent Coaching Institute. My work focuses on mapping patterns that block growth and connection in parent/child relationships, creating bridges from a parent’s past to the present, educating clients on core parental competencies, and empowering clients to create their own change and transformation.


​I earned a Master’s degree in Psychology and Drama Therapy and completed post-graduate studies in family and couple’s therapy at the Ackerman Institute for the Family.


My work is influenced by mindfulness and yoga, which were pivotal practices for both me and my daughter after her initial diagnosis. 


Learn about my services here.


My Articles

Why Self Care Is Vital For Parents of Children with Special Needs -- Boston Parents


Child’s Repose -- How Yoga Helped A Mother See Her Daughter’s Disability In A New Light -- Natural Solutions


Articles In Which I Am Cited/Interviewed

How to Actually Enjoy Family Vacations When You're the Family Planner


My coaching work is rooted in Conscious Parenting, which invites us to become aware of our triggers and past conditioning so we can connect more deeply with ourselves and our children in the present moment.


By deconstructing the belief systems we unconsciously developed as children that influence our ideas about what parenting “should” look like and what our children “should” be doing, we “un-become” everything we thought we were supposed to be as parents. This frees us to let go of the patterns and belief systems that no longer serve us in our relationships (both with ourselves and with our children). 


We begin to see our children as our mirrors, reflecting back to us the places where we have our own healing to do. Through this process, we learn to lean into our curiosity without expecting to know the answers. This allows us to see our children as our greatest teachers and clears a space to feel more present, centered and clear in our parenting. From this place, our awareness expands, guiding us toward clarity around when to let go, when to allow, and when to hold a boundary. 


Staying committed to this path (which requires continual personal growth and self care) allows us to experience life more fully and from a place of wholeness. It opens our eyes to the unique light in each of our children, gifting them the freedom to write their own script instead of following ours, and allowing us to step into the beauty of our authentic nature so our children can step into theirs. 





How it Works
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